The greenest event, one that Cyprus has never seen before, is coming to Limassol!

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It is an event that Limassol, and even the entire Cyprus, have never seen before. With activities from early in the afternoon, until late at night, the first Saturday of spring turns into a grand festival, with fashion, arts, dancing and live music.

From the seafront of Yermasoyia, to the feet of the dam, thousands of people will gather up to participate in the greatest tree plantation ever organized in Cyprus. Attracting the interest of thousands of volunteers, who will plant the new trees, this events has become a unique of its kind. Even more people will end up having a good time, starting just before the sun sets, at the area of Potamos Yemrasoyias, participating in a series of amazing, entertaining activities.

From 5 pm, in the events area there will be arts exhibitions with modern techniques taking place, along with fashion shows, with stylish options, and a large concert, while there will also be information kiosks and food options. This event aims to become the first of a long-term institution in tree planting, in order to raise awareness, for people to realize that each tree is the oxygen and the shade inherited to the children of tomorrow.

Check out more information about the event here.

The day-long event takes place on the occasion of the wild life, flora and fauna world day, under the auspices of Yermasoyia municipality, dunded by McDonald’s, KPMG, Ygia Polyclinic and Askanis Group.

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