Seasonal Waterfalls in Limassol!

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The 2018-2019 winter has proven to be one of the rainiest seasons the island has seen since the previous century. The ground has drunk its fill, and water has begun to overflow from all locations: dams, lakes, and springs.

As a result, the countryside has not only become overgrown with greenery, but a number of streams and waterfalls have also made their appearance. These were formed once the surplus water began to flow, and they now follow their time-honored route towards the sea. Anyone who has taken a trek or a tour through the hills, mountains and villages in the Limassol countryside recently would have been met with the joyous sight of a number of seasonal waterfalls, where the water flows so abundantly that it is simply uncontainable.

Such phenomena have been spotted in areas around the Kouris dam, as well as in various locations of untouched beauty, from one end of Limassol to the other, from Asgata to Trozena. The divine imagery of the waterfalls in Trozena, in particular, has made it a popular destination this year, as the water flows in bountiful amounts through its source in the rock.

The almost tropical setting of this waterfall is located just after the Kouris dam, on the way towards Lofou.

Tο παραδεισένιο σκηνικό των καταρρακτών στην Τρόζενα, έγινε ιδιαίτερα δημοφιλής προορισμός φέτος.

Η Ασγάτα είναι επίσης μια από τις περιοχές που επεφύλασσαν υπέροχες εκπλήξεις αυτό τον χειμώνα, με το νερό να ρέει πλούσιο.

The ‘white’ waterfall of Agios Epifanios is located near the village of Limnatis. This water from this seasonal waterfall crashes down a cliff of a height of 8 meters, and flows over white chalk and marl rocks, which turn the water white with their erosion.

The otherwordly setting of the waterfall in Prasteio Avdimou, where the water falls in the opening between two hills, remains a highly impressive sight.
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