Money Conference 2018: Art and diamonds, among the trends for investing in Limassol!

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Unique and impressive diamonds, as well as artwork of a great value, were the center of attention at a different business conference in Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol. The conference managed to combine the sensitivity of arts, with investments in the business world, exhibiting both the financial and artistic worth of the items, which were showcased during the event.

An impressive collection of dozens of pices, of a total value of hundreds of euro, with artwork by aknowledged artists in Cyprus and abroad, such as Alekos Fasianos, filled the conference room of the hotel with impressive colors and shapes, being the background of the presentations. The artwork was part of the collection of Kapopoulos auction house, on behalf of which Elena Ioannidou spoke about the value of investments in art.

Apart from the artwork auction, the conference also hosted stunning diamonds, which were also showcased as an alternative for investments in Limassol. Dozens of people, from Cyprus and abroad, attended the conference, which was organized by the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Cyprus-Russian Business Association, in order to emphasize on different investment options of international worth, available in Cyprus. The speakers, apart from investment options in diamonds and artwork, also talked about the options of real estate, technology start — ups and more.

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