10 impressive aerial photos of Limassol, several decades before drones!

Transportation (Bridges, Roads, Ships, Cars)

Limassol grew in circles around the harbor. With the intense economic activity in it as a core, which kept growing rapidly, especially after the mid-20th century, the city was also progressing, both in size and infrastructure.

So, the image of this city, always caught the eye, while watching its evolution was always particularly interesting. The low houses at the historical center, the shops and warehouses near the harbor, soon welcomed high-rise blocks of flats, while the image of the seafront ares changed drastically, too, after the large—scale construction works around the ending of the 1960s.

These 10 historical photos of Limassol, shot long before drones made a fashion out of aerial pictures, give a taste of the evolution of the city as it kept growing, but they also testify that anyone who had the opportunity to hold a camera up there, could not resist a shot.

Photos: Limassol Historical Archives, Photo Varouj

* NOTE: The articles of the Project "History of Limassol" present information that has emerged from historical research thus far. Any new data is embedded into the articles, once it has been confirmed.